Orison Marketing will be closed on the following dates:
Dec. 23 - Dec. 27
Dec. 31 - Jan. 2
The current economic conditions have us extremely short staffed and therefore randomly answer the phone so we can focus more on filling orders. If you call, please leave a message or e-mail us at and we will have someone get back to you as soon as possible.
We value our customers greatly and we appreciate your patience.
Popular Products

Orison Marketing History
Orison Marketing was formed in 1997 in Abilene, TX with the goal to provide safer and environmentally friendly alternative cleaners to Industry, Gov't/Military and Household. Over the next 10 years, we refined our product line to add products for corrosion, antifreeze / heat transfer, odor control and disinfecting / sanitizing based on close relationships and communication from our customers like you.
We incorporate high quality standards throughout our process and began preparing for ISO certification in 2009. In 2011, we obtained our first ISO 9001 certification. We are proud of this achievement and hope it provides our customers with assurance that our quality and product standards are audited and reviewed for continual improvement.
Orison's Quality Statement
Orison Marketing is dedicated to providing high quality chemicals designed to improve personnel safety and protect the environment. It is our promise to look to the future, utilize high quality ingredients and bring only the best environmental and cutting edge technologies to all industries served while continually improving the effectiveness of the quality management system.
Product Categories

Corrosion Products
Want the safest rust remover? Need a water based rust inhibitor to keep the rust away? How about a non-floride aluminum oxide remover, or just a safer way to brighten aluminum?

Glycerine Products
Biobased Glycerin coolants / antifreeze / heat transfer fluids for environmentally sensitive and/or food related systems, lavatory fluid for aircraft and various other applications

Propylene Glycol Products
Biobased Propylene Glycol coolants / antifreeze / heat transfer fluids for environmentally sensitive and/or food related systems, and various other applications.

Disinfectant / Sanitizer and Odor Control
Safety first! Look here to disinfect and sanitize all your industrial and food related surfaces along and totally eliminate offensive odors.

We offer safe, environmental cleaners for Government / Military, industry and
household use.

Look here for our chemical related accessories such as foggers, refractometers and pH meters to complete your purchase.