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Product Data Sheet SDS
This stuff is amazing! It only takes 4 minutes to apply to a pontoon.
Aluminox is a concentrated industrial strength acid brightener that is a safer alternative to traditional aluminum brighteners, such as hydrofluoric acid. Aluminox is a proprietary blend of acids and catalysts or "activators". The catalysts make the surface of the aluminum more reactive which allows the acid blend to be more productive on bare aluminum.
This product will brighten aluminum and will remove road film without the negative hazards associated with most brighteners. Aluminox will quickly remove any aluminum oxide, leaving a fresh aluminum surface for welding, polishing, stripping, paint or pre-paint treatments. It is exceptional at cleaning polished stainless steel to a brilliant shine and quickly removes brake dust from wheels. Aluminox is biodegradable and, when pH neutralized, is safe for disposal in most municipalities.
Learn more about the applications and instructions for Aluminox >