Vital Oxide®

Appearance: Clear Liquid
Odor: Mild-Fresh
pH: 8 -9
Specific Gravity: 1.003
Safe for you, your home, your pets and it eliminates odors, disinfects/sanitizes and kills mold and mildew! That is why you want this! Vital Oxide is EPA registered hospital disinfectant cleaner, food surface sanitizer, mold killer, and heavy duty odor eliminator. Effective on a broad-spectrum of virus, and bacteria, including “super bugs” like MRSA and H1N1, Vital Oxide breaks down to simple salt and produces no harmful by-products. Vital Oxide is NSF certified D2 (No Rinse Required) as a food contact surface sanitizer, and kills 99.999% of bacteria, including E. coli, Salmonella and Listeria in less than 60 seconds. Ready to use, no mixing required, just spray, wipe, or fog right from the bottle. Non-irritating to the skin, and non-corrosive to treated articles.
Vital Oxide is colorless, odorless - so mild you can wash your hands in it, and will not harm hard or soft surfaces, or colorfast fabrics. Use it on carpets, shower curtains, under sinks, in basements and crawl spaces - anywhere mold and bacteria are found. Vital Oxide has received the Carpet and Rug Seal of Approval for Carpet Pre-Stain and Pet Stain & Odor. Certified by NSF International – The Public Health and Safety Company - Vital Oxide is a no rinse-required sanitizer for food contact surfaces. That’s real important when it comes to use in commercial kitchens, and FDA inspected food processing establishments, and equally important for all around use in your home. For too long homemakers have had no choice but to use chlorine bleaches, and other harmful chemicals laden with cancer causing compounds, and irritating fumes. Vital Oxide will replace a wide range of your current household cleaners, sanitizers, and disinfectants with one product designed to enhance your environment.Kitchen
Kitchen Countertops • Floors • Cutting Boards • Stove • Refrigerator • Appliances • Trash Cans • Sink & Drain • Sponges & Dishtowels
Carpet and Rug Seal of Approval for Carpet • Carpet Sanitizer • Pre-Spray and Pet Stain & Odor
Bathroom Floor • Sink & Drain • Toilet • Mirrors • Soap Dish • Shower Curtains • Tub & Shower
Vital Oxide works by oxidation, not by masking of odors. It kills microbes by chemically altering certain amino acids that contain sulfur. The amino acids are important building blocks in the proteins that help to form cell walls. When these proteins are destroyed, the cell wall ruptures and the organism dies. In the chemical reaction, Vital Oxide takes on an electron from the amino acid and reverts back to a chlorite ion. The amino acid gives up an electron, and giving up an electron is what chemists call oxidation. Listed at left are document links for examples of results of testing conducted by independent government certified GLP labs, hospital clinical trails, and university studies on bacteria and virus control, and mold remediation of building materials. You will also find a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and listings from the USEPA website.SAFE FOR USE ANYWHERE.
Vital oxide 32 oz sprayVital Oxide is has been rated by the EPA as a Category 4 (the safest rating the EPA has), which states - no exposure warnings required on label. When evaluating and comparing disinfectant products, take a close look at their core ingredients. Vital Oxide uses a unique chemical compound called chlorine dioxide which we have successfully stabilized, thereby eliminating hazards. Although it has chlorine in the name, it DOES NOT HAVE free chlorine in the chemistry. This is the same technology we have been utilizing in our Expel Odor Neutralizer for over a decade. While other competitors and manufacturers have attempted to copy and produce a form of stabilized chlorine dioxide similar to Vital Oxide, our revolutionary formula is simply unequaled. Chlorine dioxide has been used during Anthrax attacks (click here for EPA Anthrax decontamination info), in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, to purify drinking water, and most recently to kill MRSA in schools and hospitals. Also consider carefully what kind of chemicals you want around your children, employees, patients, students, and close family members. Most disinfectants and mold removers on the market are extremely toxic, but Vital Oxide gives you peace of mind that you are using an effective product that does not come with alarming safety warnings and precautions.HOW DO I USE IT?

To Disinfect Hard Non-porous Surfaces:
For disinfecting pre-cleaned hard non-porous surfaces such as glass, plastic, painted wood, laminate, chrome, stainless steel, polyurethane coated hardwood floors, glazed ceramic tile, sealed concrete & linoleum floors. Types of items include: Exterior of appliances, bed frames, cabinet handles, wheelchairs, child car seats, counters, cribs, doorknobs, tables, tubs, exterior toilet surfaces, faucet handles, handrails, jungle gyms, keyboards, light switch covers, patio furniture, showers, sinks, stovetops, telephones, toys, walls, waste containers. Apply product undiluted full strength to pre-cleaned hard non-porous surfaces, wetting thoroughly with spray, sponge, mop, or by immersion in solution. Allow surfaces to remain wet for 5 minutes for virus inactivation – 10 minutes for bacteria disinfection. For immersion, replace solution daily, or more frequently if it becomes significantly soiled or diluted.
Fogging and Misting:
Product can be applied by fogging or misting to disinfect hard, nonporous surfaces (see fogger units below). Apply by fogging or misting until surface is moist using equipment manufacturer’s directions for use. Remove or carefully protect all food and food packaging materials prior to treatment. Vacate treatment area and do not reenter treated area until air is clear (minimum 20 minutes to reentry).
To Disinfect Hard Non-porous Surfaces (tuberculocidal):
For disinfecting pre-cleaned hard non- porous surfaces such as glass, plastic, painted wood, laminate, chrome, stainless steel, polyurethane coated hardwood floors, glazed ceramic tile, sealed concrete & linoleum floors. Types of items include: Exterior of appliances, bed frames, cabinet handles, wheelchairs, child car seats, counters, cribs, doorknobs, tables, tubs, exterior toilet surfaces, faucet handles, handrails, jungle gyms, keyboards, light switch covers, patio furniture, showers, sinks, stovetops, telephones, toys, walls, waste containers. Apply product full strength to pre-cleaned hard non-porous surfaces, wetting thoroughly with spray, sponge, mop, or by immersion in solution. Allow surfaces to remain wet for 10 minutes for Mycobacteriumbovis-BCG disinfection. For immersion replace solution daily, or more frequently if it becomes significantly soiled or diluted.
To Deodorize:
Simply spray, fog, or wipe on full strength and let air dry to provide long lasting residual deodorizing action. When fogging to deodorize apply 1 quart per 2000 cubic ft. following fogger manufacturer’s directions for use. Product must come into contact with the cause of the odor to be effective. For pet urine stains in carpet, blot urine as dry as possible then saturate stain with Product through carpet pad.

Mini Fogger
Our Mini Fogger has been designed to atomize and deliver Odor Neutralizer into small areas such as rooms and kennels and small scale industrial applications. This lightweight unit has a one-quart tank with a variable spray range of 7 - 12 feet. Just plug into your extension cord and spray away the odors.