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Product Data Sheet
The Hanna HI 96832 Propylene Glycol Digital Refractometers are rugged, portable, water resistant devices that utilize the measurement of refractive index to determine the percent volume and freezing point of propylene glycol based solutions. These digital refractometers eliminate the uncertainty associated with mechanical refractometers. HI 96832 samples are measured after a simple user calibration with distilled or deionized water. Within seconds, the refractive index and temperature are measured and converted into one of two measurement units; % volume or freezing point. These meters use internationally recognized references for unit conversion and temperature compensation for glycol solutions (e.g. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 87th Edition).
- Measures PG Content 0-100%
- Easily Portable For Lab Or Field Measurements
- Fast and Easy
- Rugged and Water Resistant